Miikka Rainiala appointed as Director General of the Ministerial Governance Department for the fixed-term 1 June to 31 August 2022

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 14.4.2022 12.30
Press release
Miikka Rainiala, Director of Governance Steering Unit, Ministery of Transport and Communications. (Photo: Tomi Parkkonen / LVM)
Miikka Rainiala, Director of Governance Steering Unit, Ministery of Transport and Communications. (Photo: Tomi Parkkonen / LVM)

Juhapekka Ristola has resigned as Director General of the Ministerial Governance Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications as of 1 June 2022. For the period required for filling the Director General's position, Miikka Rainiala, Director of Governance Steering Unit, has been appointed to serve in the post. 

 The Director General will be appointed for five years, starting on 1 September 2022.


Minna Kivimäki, Permanent Secretary +358 50 444 9697, [email protected]