Negotiations to promote the eastern rail link in progress

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 11.3.2021 11.32
Press release
Rails (Photo: Shutterstock)
Rails (Photo: Shutterstock)

Negotiations to promote the eastern rail link were started under the leadership of the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 11 March 2021. The aim of the negotiations, which will take place with the municipalities benefiting from the rail transport investment, is to establish a project company.

The company would be responsible for the project-related planning and its funding until the construction phase. The basis for the negotiations is the Airport line-Porvoo-Kouvola route.

The cities involved in the negotiations are Helsinki, Iisalmi, Imatra, Joensuu, Kajaani, Kitee, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lappeenranta, Mikkeli, Mäntyharju, Pieksämäki, Porvoo, Rautjärvi, Siilinjärvi, Suonenjoki, Taipalsaari and Varkaus. The participants include representatives from the Ministry of Finance and the Transport Infrastructure Agency.

The purpose of the negotiations is to find out the objectives set out by the parties for the planning company and the terms and requirements for establishing the company.

The decision on the central government's financial contribution and the use of the appropriation for capitalising the project company will be made by Parliament.


Miikka Rainiala, Director of Unit, tel. +358 29 534 2051, [email protected]

Timo Harakka